This information forms a part of the Conditions of Enrolment which you are viewing.
Applicants for an electrical contractor's licence who may have already achieved the required competencies, e.g. a person who has previously worked as an electrical contractor/nominee or who has appropriate business skills, may consider applying for an exemption, or an assessment for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) under the Mutual Recognition Assessment guidelines.
All electrical contractor licence applicants must submit proof that they hold adequate insurance with a reputable insurer that provides Public Liability and Indemnity in respect of the work of an electrical contractor, plus any additional policies for specialised work or locations.
During this enrolment process you will be presented with payment options. If you are going to claim RPL, then do not select the online payment options.
The course cost will be the normal full amount, but if you are eligible, it will be adjusted for you and we will contact you to arrange payment of the correct amount.